Monday, December 27, 2010

Sweet vacation...

Today is Monday. And it's two days after Christmas. And I am sitting at home in sweat pants, drinking coffee, and NOT at work.

This year, I unintentionally saved nearly all of my paid vacation days for the end of the year. I left work at the end of the day on December 22, and I'm not going back to the office until January! Awesome! Since I have so much time off at once, there are a few things I would like to accomplish during my vacation:

-Get a new bed. Check! I have a new bed, and I love it!

-Learn how to use Lightroom for my photography workflow. See my photography website at

-Design a new header for my photography blog.

-Finish reading The Corrections and re-read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

-Plan for and organize my exciting blogging project for 2011! You'll hear more about that soon...

So far I am off to a decent start on accomplishing these vacation goals. Tomorrow, I head to Big Bear with my family for a few days in the snow, where I plan to spend a lot of time on my computer with the aforementioned Lightroom learning and blog designing.

Merry belated Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all!

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