Sunday, January 4, 2009

Letter to the New Year

Dear Year 2009:

Welcome. Now that we are are few days into your being, I thought there might be a few things you should know before we get too far ahead of ourselves:

1) We're going to get a new computer this year (like next week).
2) With said new computer, there will no longer be any excuse for not writing.
3) That said, this year we will finish that novel I have been working on since Spring 2006.

In case you haven't heard, worldwide economy has been in a bit of a pickle lately. That, however, does not mean that my personal economy is in a pickle or will inevitably become pickled. Keeping good practices in hand, this year we're saving $30 a month for the International Justice Mission. In December, I will purchase a week of advocacy
with IJM for victims of oppression.

I'm sure you have lots of surprises up your sleeve in the coming twelve months. FYI: I really like good surprises. I'll try to stay on my toes. Let's make every effort to top 2008. I'm optimistic.

Here's to you,


1 comment:

Susan Meissner said...

Bravo. Here's to no pickled surprises.